iRock Jazz LIVE! with Piano Manufacturer, Warren Shadd

Warren Shadd is a second generation piano technician and third generation musician. He has per formed and toured worldwide in every aspect of live and recorded musc with hundreds of celebrities in the entertainment industry. On drums, at the early age of four, he played his first of many jazz …


iRock Jazz LIVE! with Trumpeter Dontae Winslow

WinslowDynasty is a music group with a mission to change the world and inspire a renaissance in creative art.  Dontae Winslow is a featured member on trumpet/production and vocals, while Mashica Winslow is a featured member who lends her angelic vocals/songwriting and stellar arranging abilities. Their formidable alliance comprises styles of Jazz, …


iRock Jazz LIVE! with Pianist Jamar Jones

At the age of four Jamar was enrolled in a music school in his hometown of Philadelphia where he studied piano and began to compose. His first piano recital featured his own compositions!  While a freshman at Temple University, Jamar co-wrote and produced the song, Dear God, for the Grammy …