iRock Jazz LIVE! with Piano Manufacturer, Warren Shadd
Warren Shadd is a second generation piano technician and third generation musician. He has per formed and toured worldwide in every aspect of live and recorded musc with hundreds of celebrities in the entertainment industry. On drums, at the early age of four, he played his first of many jazz …

iRock LIVE! with Trumpeter Theo Croker
IF, AS SHAKESPEARE WROTE IN TWELFTH NIGHT, “…SOME ARE BORN GREAT, SOME ACHIEVE GREATNESS, AND SOME HAVE GREATNESS THRUST UPON THEM…” Then, Theo Croker fits into two out of three of the Bard’s categories. His talent is innate; he inherited a unique gift from his grandfather, the legendary trumpet player …

Cultural Incantations: LIVE! at the CSO featuring Gonzalo Rubalcaba and Ninety Miles
“What I love about this music is that it has the capacity to carry the message of empathy.” – Stefon Harris Despite countless references to its oppressive regime, Cuba is home to some of the most engaging Jazz artists in the world today. Afro-Cuban Jazz is a cornerstone in …

Nicholas Payton Debuts His Big Band at Chicago Symphony Center
The extraordinaire Nicholas Payton played with a twenty-piece ensemble as he debuted his own big band, the Television Studio Orchestra (TSO) at Chicago’s Symphony Center. The entire group took to the stage, each member adorned in black from head to toe, with the exception of Mr. Payton – in his …

Nicholas Payton Plays BAM, Not Jazz
Nicholas Payton is regarded as one of the greatest trumpet players of all time. An accomplished musician, gifted composer, writer and producer, Payton was born in New Orleans into a musical family. His father Walter was a bassist, composer and educator and his mother, Maria, is a former operatic singer …