iRock LIVE! with Trumpeter Theo Croker
IF, AS SHAKESPEARE WROTE IN TWELFTH NIGHT, “…SOME ARE BORN GREAT, SOME ACHIEVE GREATNESS, AND SOME HAVE GREATNESS THRUST UPON THEM…” Then, Theo Croker fits into two out of three of the Bard’s categories. His talent is innate; he inherited a unique gift from his grandfather, the legendary trumpet player …
Jason Orr: FunkJazz Kafe ‘Authentic Alternatives’
Talk to any Atlantan of a certain age and they inevitably wax nostalgic about the mid-to-late 1990s – with good reason. The city was simmering with soulful possibilities, creative verve overflowed and iconoclasts seemed to dwell on every block. Jason Orr tapped into this energy and created the preeminent showcase …